Orange circles represent fields, with larger, darker circles indicating larger field size as measured by Eigenfactor score™. Blue arrows represent citation flow between fields. An arrow from field A to field B indicates citation traffic from A to B, with larger, darker arrows indicating higher citation volume.
The map was creating using our information flow method for mapping large networks. Using data from Thomson Scientific's 2004 Journal Citation Reports (JCR), we partitioned 6,128 journals connected by 6,434,916 citations into 88 modules. For visual simplicity, we show only the most important links, namely those that a random surfer traverses at least once in 5000 steps, and the modules that are connected by these links.
Our map browser allows you to explore this map dynamically in greater detail.
The map was creating using our information flow method for mapping large networks. Using data from Thomson Scientific's 2004 Journal Citation Reports (JCR), we partitioned 6,128 journals connected by 6,434,916 citations into 88 modules. For visual simplicity, we show only the most important links, namely those that a random surfer traverses at least once in 5000 steps, and the modules that are connected by these links.
Our map browser allows you to explore this map dynamically in greater detail.
The social sciences, 2004.
As in the map above, orange circles represent fields, with larger, darker circles indicating larger field size as measured by Eigenfactor score™. Blue arrows represent citation flow between fields. An arrow from field A to field B indicates citation traffic from A to B, with larger, darker arrows indicating higher citation volume.
The map was creating using our information flow method for mapping large networks. Using data from Thomson Scientific's 2004 Journal Citation Reports (JCR), we partitioned 1431 journals connected by 217,287 citations into 54 modules. For visual simplicity, we show only the most important links, namely those that a random surfer traverses at least once in 2000 steps, and the modules that are connected by these links.
The map was creating using our information flow method for mapping large networks. Using data from Thomson Scientific's 2004 Journal Citation Reports (JCR), we partitioned 1431 journals connected by 217,287 citations into 54 modules. For visual simplicity, we show only the most important links, namely those that a random surfer traverses at least once in 2000 steps, and the modules that are connected by these links.