Your engineering courses prepare you to analyze the physical or material world,but not all important questions can be well addressed by scientific knowledge or technical skills. To help prepare you to overcome life’s non-technical challenges and to embrace its opportunities, the College of Engineering and Applied Science requires students to take courses in the humanities and social sciences.
Chosen carefully, such courses can help you learn more about contemporary issues such as globalization and the impact of science on society, the complexity of ethical decision-making, the sources of conflict between different cultures and nation-states, or the power and insight of poetry and drama. With so much at stake, we encourage you to choose all of your courses thoughtfully.
Humanities and Social Sciences Requirements for the
College of Engineering and Applied Science
This Advising Guide has been designed to help you choose your humanities and social sciences (H&SS) courses wisely, but the first step is to understand your H&SS degree requirements. The college sets minimum requirements, but some majors have higher requirements. Be sure to check with your major as well.
All students need at least 18 credit hours in H&SS and writing to graduate. This usually means 6 courses, but the particular distribution of these 18 credits depends on when you entered CU.